Ideas of non-self

28th April 2022

Andromedan Antemedi and the idea of self: – Ateli-ey-quiumbey All is change, but changing from and into something else is restricted by current ideas and information. Anything new will have its roots in the past and replicate the past.

Following my previous theme – what if you considered that every thing had changed already and you could act as if you were in a place of light with harmonious vibrant energies. This would be your future multidimensional you existing inside you experiencing how it got to be that person.

It’s all a matter of perspective and who you consider yourself to be.

In that last sentence lies the crucible of your inward and outward looking self. Because you are multidimensional your current self is compartmentalized from your other self-experiences who have different perspectives and beliefs. Some of which you might find impossible to reconcile with a linear mind.

However in order to change the world you might like to change the way you attach yourself to ‘self’. Soul is an extension of the non-self of the universe that existed before soul and the ideas of self. So you are self and non-self, soul and no soul – a paradox in flux. You are part soul, a series of Arkarna programs and the many multidimensional expressions in different dimensions (not relevant to time).

If you look from your earth self you will interpret that from one particular focus.

You can however accept the wonder of your fullness where your name isn’t important and gain a wider sense of self to a point that self isn’t unimportant but ‘just not relevant’ as a way of describing who you are.

In addition to my recent suggestion that you live as if you already exist in 5D – You could see that it’s not the ‘you’ – the self you currently know. Let go of your past self-description feel and encompass the wider soul that you are. It is the light you will feel around you that has always been there. With today’s energies you have greater ability to accept and feel and be the wonder of your multidimensional self.

Blessing: I hope you can “know you are light in every part of yourself and shine – live in the love of full self”