A: – All things start somewhere someway. Most often the human question is how? – As if this gives an understanding of the process and this means it can… Continue reading…
Author: Robert Lomax
Antemedi Andromedan perspectives 8
Antemedi Andromedan perspectives 7
Antemedi Andromedan perspectives 6
Antemedi Andromedan perspectives 5
Antemedi Andromedan perspectives 4
Antemedi Andromedan Perspectives 3
Antemedi Andromedan perspectives 2
Be Selfish With Love
I had been delayed getting back to some of my esoterical work and had this pep talk- part way through it I thought, “I know this stuff most people do”… Continue reading…
Guides and soul groups
24/09/17 Here is my answer to an enquiry from a friend wanting to know about the origins of their guides and what has soul group got to do with it…. Continue reading…