(click on photo to enlarge) Exactly the same pose left and right entwined
Author: Robert Lomax
Over self
(click photo to enlarge) Multidimensional aspects
(click on photo to enlarge) While reading she is reminded of the sweet smell of roses. The memory is so strong roses appear around her and transform her hair… Continue reading…
(click photo to enlarge)
All in the palm
( click to enlarge) What can she see that we cannot?
Shadow self
(click to photo to enlarge)
Biosphere visit
On board I experienced an interactive hologram and one of my andromedan past lives. Whilst meditating one day I had just finished up on a couple of matters when I… Continue reading…
More alien contact
Over the last few years I had some very interesting journeys and conversations with our cousins and it’s difficult to know where to start A:- The beginning is usually good…. Continue reading…
Something new
First alien contact- very gentle introduction by my guide Antemedi. Several years ago my wife and I were sitting in the garden late one evening listening to music. I… Continue reading…
Past lives
Over the years I have seen several past lives for different reasons. I hope the following shows you how your current thoughts may be influenced by past lives. I am… Continue reading…