12/05/16 After a fairly deep session Aqueena has explained that she is a part of my higher self. R:- So Aqueena, you are a one twelfth part of my soul… Continue reading…
Author: Robert Lomax
Multidimensional Soul 4
11/05/16 A female was introduced to me but no name was given though a strong sense of familiarity I will refer to her as F (F):- Time waits for no… Continue reading…
Multidimensional Soul 3
25/4/16 Susquarlia:- Lets begin where we started and left off- the moment of now R:- I like that very humorous S:- Now then -The problem you have expressed is the… Continue reading…
Multidimensional Soul 2
20/04/16 Susquarlia:- let us follow on with our talk about multidimensionalism. As you have been told – the soul doesn’t so much split but has many experiences on many dimensions… Continue reading…
Multidimensional soul 1
My post 23rd July 2015 made an extraordinary statement that my Andromedan connections viewed me as Telenatey. It as taken me quite a while to unravel the fuller context of… Continue reading…
Banter to liberation
29/2/16 A:- Let us together see where you are at and ensure you are fully on your path with all your faculties and awareness- that nothing is missing. So! what… Continue reading…
A banter of views- different feelings
22/2/16 A:- There comes a time when one makes a decision- a footstep within one camp or another- one direction or another. And so it is, you can’t have your… Continue reading…
Students of life
Susquarlia – ‘Tatey em eh lah’: What will be, will be, for it is all intention. Listen not to the chemicals that flux within your 3d body, you are much… Continue reading…
Solace could be said to be an aspect of suffering. To seek it is to need it as a diversion or an escape from suffering. So instead welcome suffering see… Continue reading…
Proof positive
If ever I have a minor doubt about which way to tread some event usually unfolds for me to face it. One such occasion was the use of disclosure in… Continue reading…