29/12/16 AR: – Closing in on trust of self – You are looking externally at what you can trust or not trust. Yet it is the internal that views the… Continue reading…
Month: January 2017
More On time lines
27/12/16 AR: – Come all time come all things. You must know by now that words and phrases such as this bring in energy. They cannot be taken at face… Continue reading…
Arksar as a light body
24/12/16 AR: – Like those on your planet we have differences in facial and body structure. What I have shown around my head you may interpret as a veil but… Continue reading…
Acceptance of infinity
21/12/16 All: – We can begin where we left off. Your limited acceptance of infinity, the feel of it and that it cannot be encapsulated nor understood in the ways… Continue reading…
Paradox of all – Arksar
19-12-16 AR: – There is still much I wish to say- I am partway through an explanation which you seem to think is not going anywhere. To the contrary do… Continue reading…
Beyond to co-creators
15-12-16 All: – We as the one that speaks- we as in beyond monad. Are we not the co-creators of all? You have no idea of what we are capable,… Continue reading…